Here's What Texas Attorneys Are Watching Right Now

It may be summertime, but attorneys in the Lone Star State are keeping busy. With hundreds of courses to choose from, Texas attorneys certainly have their pick of what to watch.
Here are the top five courses they’re tuning into right now:- 20 Practice Tips to Wow Your SmallBiz Clients. Small businesses comprise 99% of the American workforce. That means it’s critical for attorneys to understand the unique challenges small businesses face, and the breadth of issues for which they’re likely to seek legal counsel. From entity selection to accounting matters to staffing structure, you’ll learn the primary laws and regulations governing business operations. This course will help you to “wow” your smallbiz clients, and will get you thinking about how to develop your own legal niche along the way.
- Avoiding Cyberspace Danger Zones: The Ethics of Attorney Advertising. Developments in technology have impacted legal practice profoundly, including the area of attorney marketing and advertising. It’s nearly impossible to maintain a law practice without an internet presence, so how do you make sure you’re in compliance with the myriad of ethical rules governing advertising, solicitation, and public communication? Thankfully, this course provides those answers. You’ll learn the most common ethical “danger zones” you’re likely to encounter when it comes to your cyber presence (website, social media, blogs, newsletters, etc.) and the best ways to maintain compliance with internet advertising rules.
- Force Majeure and Other Defenses to Contract Performance During the Covid-19 Pandemic. This timely program examines the enforceability of force majeure clauses and other contract defenses to excuse performance impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Plus, for lawyers drafting new contracts, learn how to draft force majeure language in a world where our “new normal” means that a global pandemic may be treated as foreseeable.
- The Ethical Lawyer’s Ten Commandments of Defensive Lawyering. Taught by a former Ethics Committee chair and legal ethics attorney, this course walks through the most common ethical pitfalls lawyers encounter and provides ten practical tips for avoiding them altogether or remedying the issue before it’s too late. This program is funny, fast-paced, and is chock full of insights, suggestions, and warnings for experienced and new lawyers alike.
- A Great Lawyer Must Be a Great Negotiator: Skills for You to Be the Best Negotiator in the Room. Brush up on your negotiating skills with this program, which walks practitioners through successfully approaching a negotiation, listening during a negotiation, and incorporating technology to further the negotiation process. You’ll learn tried-and-true tactics such as how to get the other side to reveal their unspoken agenda, how to trade items that are unimportant to you to gain important concessions, how to negotiate precise contract language, and so much more.
P.S. - Did you know that free trial access will grant you access to our catalog of over 600 Texas-approved courses? Register for your free trial now. And check out a breakdown of your mandatory CLE requirements here.
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This article was originally published on July 24, 2018