Must-Watch June CLE: Educating the Legal Profession on LGBTQ Issues, Voting Rights Litigation, and More

This June, learn how to better serve the LGBTQ community, understand the issues schools face as students return to in person learning, and take action against extreme voting restrictions all in one place. Check out some highlights from Lawline’s June lineup of CLE:
- How to Ethically Represent LGBTQ+ Clients from a Cultural Competency and Humility Perspective. While there have been many major advancements in legal protections for LGBTQ+ people, there are still unique legal challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals. This program will teach attorneys representing LGBTQ+ clients or families the knowledge and skills to ethically, respectfully, and successfully advocate for LGBTQ+ clients. Airing Thursday, June 10, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. (EST)
- Are Schools Prepared to Address the Lasting Impact of the COVID Pandemic on Students? As schools begin to return to in-person learning, they are faced with many issues that faced students during the pandemic including learning loss, mental health concerns, socialization issues, and more. This program will address those issues, including issues specific to students with special needs, and present advice on ensuring that students receive the services they need. Airing Thursday, June 17, 2021 at 12:00 p.m. (EST)
- Voting Rights Litigation Today: Strategies for Moving from Voter Suppression to Election Protection. Recently, many states have passed severe voting restrictions and the Supreme Court has approved of discriminatory voter purge procedures and upheld extreme forms of gerrymandering. This program will discuss ways to challenge these policies, improve voting access, and demand government accountability. Airing Tuesday, June 22, 2021 at 10:00 p.m. (EST)
If you can’t attend a live webcast, don’t worry! All of our courses go on-demand within a week after airing (and you can check them out with our free trial). Check out some recent highlights:
- Attorney Wellbeing & Ethics: Taking Care of Ourselves & Our Practice. Find out how to address your emotional, occupational, physical, and spiritual needs in order to comply with your ethical obligations as an attorney with this program, which provides substance abuse and mental health concerns within the profession and concrete steps that attorneys can take to better care for their needs and manage stress and anxiety. Originally aired on May 3, 2021
- An Overview of Direct-to-Consumer Alcohol Delivery and Shipping. The pandemic turbocharged the advance of the alcohol delivery market, with many executive orders and emergency measures allowing for temporary delivery rights, some of which were subsequently made permanent. This program provides an overview of direct-to-consumer alcohol delivery and shipping laws, including the distinction between delivery and shipment, the legal evolution of wine, beer, and distilled spirits, the political landscape for further expanding direct-to-consumer sales, and more. Originally aired on May 10, 2021
- Strategic Bankruptcy Considerations for Distressed Real Estate in the COVID-19 Era. The COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on conventional bankruptcy practices. This program explores traditional bankruptcy practices, issues that often arise in a bankruptcy case, and how they have been affected by the pandemic. Originally aired on May 17, 2021
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