Must-Watch September CLE: Divorce in Elder Clients, Understanding the Legislative Process, and More

Even though the months seem to blend together these days, it’s hard to believe that summer is coming to an end. While returning to school and work this fall might not look as it once did, one thing remains constant: Lawline’s CLE. This month we have programs on topics such as divorce in elder clients and the legislative process. Check out some highlights below:
- Navigating Divorce and Preserving Benefits for Clients in their Golden Years. This program will guide attorneys through preserving federal benefits for elder clients in the midst of a divorce, including social security, veterans benefits, Medicare, disability, and the Affordable Care Act. Airing September 17, 2020 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)
- Search and Seizure in the Digital Realm. Supreme Court cases such as US v. Jones, Riley v. California, and Carpenter v. US, changed the landscape of the 4th and 5th Amendment laws in the digital realm. This program will take a deep dive into these cases, and how federal and state courts are now applying the 4th and 5th Amendments to digital evidence. Airing September 18, 2020 at 3:30 p.m. (EST)
- Understanding the Legislative Process for Attorneys. All attorneys regardless of practice area can benefit from a working knowledge of the legislative process. Through a detailed overview of the legislative process, this program enhances attorneys interpretation and application of the law. Airing September 29, 2020 at 2:30 p.m. (EST)
If you can’t attend a live webcast, don’t worry! All of our courses go on-demand within 48 hours after airing (and you can check them out with our free trial). Check out some recent highlights:
- Eagle Protection: Examining the Interaction between Federal Regulation and Traditional Tribal Practice. Federal laws such as the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection act criminalize the illegal “take” of eagles, however, this comes in direct conflict with traditional Native American cultural practices. This program addresses the legal and cultural perspectives involved in the clash of civilizations due to the lack of accommodation of traditional Native American practices in Federal law. Originally aired on August 5, 2020.
- Stress Management for Attorneys: Ethical Traps for the Unwary. A lawyer’s ability to ethically interact with their clients can be altered due to chronic stress. This program defines chronic stress, the ways in which it manifests, and the ethical duties that are often violated as a result of it. Originally aired on August 7, 2020.
- Reopening - and Staying Open - During the Pandemic: Creating a COVID Safety Plan. As more businesses begin to reopen, creating a return-to-work plan remains vital. This program will address key components of reopening plans, lessons learned from the first wave of businesses to reopen, and the laws and regulations to consider when creating a reopening plan. Originally aired on August 7, 2020.
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