Attorneys & Technology: How to Serve Clients in the Digital Age (Infographic)

In 2012, the American Bar Association modified Rule 1.1 of the Model Rules of Professional Conduct to include a comment stating that attorneys owe a duty to maintain knowledge of technology to their client, among the other ethical duties they owe. This rule change has been adopted by several states (and the number is growing) as they recognize the need for attorneys to be tech-savvy in the digital age. (Hello, Technology credit!)
How do attorneys reconcile an archaic legal system with an ever-evolving world? Will technology help them advocate for clients, bring in new business, or retain existing relationships? It looks like the answer is yes - understanding and adapting to technological advances will help attorneys better serve their clients. Check out the infographic from our white paper, Why Attorneys Need to Stay Current With Technology (below) and download the full white paper for extended reading!
This article was originally published on October, 7 2019.
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