ICE Raids, Ageism in the Law, Cannabis and More: Find Time for Lawline’s October CLE

Whether you’re taking a break from finding that perfect Halloween costume or looking to fulfill your deadline this month, you won’t want to miss Lawline’s jam-packed October lineup. With topics ranging from ICE audits to the cannabis regulation, something is sure to catch your eye. And for all of the Virginia attorneys looking to fulfill their October 31st deadline, don’t stress! We have over 40 Virginia-approved courses for you to choose from. Check out some of our October CLE highlights below.
- What To Do When ICE Comes Knocking: The Rise in Worksite Raids and I-9 Audits. With ICE audits at an all-time high, many workers and employers are increasingly vulnerable, especially in such industries as construction, food processing, hospitality, and manufacturing. This program will cover how to prepare and respond to ICE actions to ensure the best outcome. Airing Tuesday, October 1, 2019 at 11:30 a.m. (EST)
- Removing the Ageist Lens: Looking at the Law to Address Trauma, Abuse and the Older Adult. For attorneys working with older clients, it is important to recognize and understand how unaddressed age bias can harm clients, and the ways that complex legal proceedings can trigger trauma symptoms. This program will discuss best practices, case studies, and various resources to assist attorneys working with older adult clients. Airing Tuesday, October 8, 2019 at 3:30 p.m. (EST)
- Cannabis Regulation in a Post-Cole Memo World: Expecting the Unexpected (Update). This program will cover the Department of Justice’s 2018 repeal of the Cole Memorandum. The 2013 memo changed the landscape of cannabis law enforcement, as well as the FDA’s and DEA’s roles in cannabis regulation. This program will help practitioners understand what its repeal means for the future of this area of law. Airing Thursday, October 24, 2019 at 3:00 p.m. (EST)
If you can’t attend a live webcast, don’t worry! All of our courses go on-demand within 48 hours after airing (and you can check them out with our free trial). Check out some great programs that were recently added to our on-demand catalog:
- The September 11th Victim Compensation Fund: New Changes and the Future of the Fund. In 2019, the "Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund Act" was signed into law. This new law adds $10.2 billion to the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund and ensures it will be funded until 2090. Check out this program to learn more about the new "Never Forget the Heroes Act" and the future of the fund. Originally aired on September 6, 2019
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace: What, Why, Policies & Procedures. This program explores sexual harassment in the legal workplace and offers ways to identify, prevent, and address issues of harrassment. Originally aired on September 12, 2019
- O-Visas: Individuals of Extraordinary Ability (Update). In this update to his 2015 program, Michael Cataliotti schools attorneys on the O-visa, one of the most exclusive classifications intended for individuals of extraordinary ability. The program teaches attorneys to reach a successful outcome for their client by reviewing the parties involved in each petition and the various subcategories. Originally aired on September 17, 2019