Did you know Lawline now has more than 1,500 courses available for you to watch anytime and anywhere, day or night? Not sure where to begin? Got a December 31 deadline rapidly approaching? We’ve got you covered. We took a look back at our most popular courses of 2019 and after sifting through the data, we nailed down the top ten most-watched courses this year. These can’t-miss programs are dynamic and invigorating, and even more importantly, are geared towards helping you to succeed in your legal practice.
This list also tells us one other important thing: Lawline subscribers are committed to improving their profession and making life better for their clients. They are invested in diversifying the legal community, helping their colleagues improve their mental health, and of course, gaining the critical skills necessary to achieve success for their clients and becoming the best lawyers they can be. Cheers to 2019, and here’s to a bright future ahead in 2020.
Without further ado, here are the top ten courses of 2019:
- 20 Practice Tips to Wow Your SmallBiz Clients. Small businesses comprise 99% of the American workforce. That means it’s critical for attorneys to understand the unique challenges small businesses face, and the breadth of issues for which they’re likely to seek legal counsel. From entity selection to accounting matters to staffing structure, you’ll learn the primary laws and regulations governing business operations. Plus, it might also behoove you to gain subject matter expertise in your client’s particular business. This course will help you to “wow” your smallbiz clients, and will get you thinking about how to develop your own legal niche along the way.
- Free Speech 101: Student and Faculty First Amendment Rights on Today's Campus. Ripped from the headlines, this course explores the legal precedent behind the emergence of campus speech controversies today. What speech rights do college students and faculty have? How does the First Amendment govern their social media use? How should colleges respond to controversial speakers on campus? Explore the answers to all these questions and more in this exciting new course.
- 2019 Copyright and Trademark Law Update: Recent Cases and Current Trends. New technologies, new
theories of liability, and a booming federal docket have changed IP practice dramatically in recent years. The rapidly evolving pace can be hard to keep up with. In just one hour, this specially curated course will help you to catch up with all the latest trends and developments in copyright and trademark law. Plus, get a sneak peek at what the future might hold for IP law.
- Don’t Give Up Five Minutes Before the Miracle. This extraordinarily powerful and inspiring course is one you don’t want to miss. Just trust us on this one. Faculty member Laurie Besden, now the Executive Director of Lawyers Concerned for Lawyers of Pennsylvania, shares her compelling story of addiction and the resources she called upon to help her on her path to recovery. You’ll also examine the shocking statistics detailing the prevalence of substance abuse and mental health disorders in the legal industry and gain an in-depth understanding of the various resources available to help attorneys and their family members overcome the disease of addiction. This course has the power to change your life, or someone else’s. As one customer put it: “WOW! This is the most compelling CLE I have watched in 23 years of practicing law, bar none. Thank you for sharing your story. You have changed so many lives -- including mine.”
- Critical Considerations in Preparing for Arbitration. More and more disputes are being resolved in arbitration, so knowing the basics of ADR is essential. This helpful course will explore all the mechanics of handling an arbitration from the preparation stage (drafting an arbitration hearing, selecting an arbitrator, etc) to the hearing stage (opening and closing statements, witness examination, etc) and on to the decision and award phase. You’ll also take a step back and review the pros and cons of arbitration for your client and important considerations to be aware of before advising your client to seek alternative dispute resolution. If you’re looking to become a more well-rounded practitioner and increase your skillset, this is definitely the course for you.
- Avoiding Cyberspace Danger Zones: The Ethics of Attorney Advertising. Developments in technology have impacted legal practice profoundly, including the area of attorney marketing and advertising. It’s nearly impossible to maintain a law practice without an internet presence, so how do you make sure you’re in compliance with the myriad of ethical rules governing advertising, solicitation, and public communication while also keeping track of how the rules govern technology use? Thankfully, this course provides those answers. You’ll learn the most common ethical “danger zones” you’re likely to encounter when it comes to your cyber presence (website, social media, blogs, newsletters, etc.) and the best ways to maintain compliance with internet advertising rules for attorneys. Plus, as a bonus, this program also explores common cybersecurity mistakes to avoid.
- Beyond the Trash Bin: Proper Disposal of Electronic Data. Developments in technology coupled with new data privacy regulations (ahem...GDPR and CCPA) have made it more important than ever to properly dispose of electronic data. But where should you even begin? How do you determine when data is no longer of value to you? How do you assess the risk of maintaining “old” data? This course dives into the many reasons that organizations store electronic data, explores how to assess the use of that data, and suggests processes organizations can use to properly dispose of data they no longer need. You’ll also learn what the new regulations actually say about data storage and disposal, so that you can remain in compliance at all times.
- The Art of Cross Examination. If you’re a litigator, you know that a strong cross-examination is key. You can quickly turn a case in your favor with the right questions. This program will give you the tools you need for a successful cross. Learn how to organize your evidence so that you’re prepared to impeach a witness, the types of questions that will bolster your own credibility, and gain tips for displaying confidence and controlling the witness without appearing arrogant or insincere.
- Canna-business as Usual? A Guide to Approaching Marijuana and the Workplace. While marijuana is an illegal substance under federal law, thirty-three states and the District of Columbia have legalized medical marijuana. Eleven of those states have legalized recreational marijuana. Illinois will make it legal beginning January 1, 2020 and additional states are likely to follow. With the dichotomy between federal and state laws, many employers are left wondering how and whether they can enforce drug-free workplace policies. This fascinating program will help employers navigate many of the challenging questions they’re currently facing like whether they must accommodate medical marijuana use, what to do with positive test results for marijuana, and more.
- Election Cybersecurity Update: Interference and Integrity Ahead of the 2020 Election. With election year quickly approaching, cybersecurity is on everyone’s minds. This riveting program analyzes the state of cybersecurity for federal and state campaigns and elections, and assesses potential threats to voter data and election systems. It also provides a helpful review of pending Congressional election security bills and reviews what states are doing now to address this critical issue.
P.S. - Did you know that free trial access will grant you access to all ten of these programs and over 1,500 other cutting edge on-demand CLE courses? Well… what are you waiting for?! Register for your free trial now. Happy watching!
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