NY CLE: New Cybersecurity Requirement & Newly Admitted Skills Update

Take a look at the latest CLE requirement change for New York attorneys
What is the NY Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection CLE Requirement?
Starting July 1, 2023, New York lawyers are required to learn about cybersecurity, privacy, and data protection as part of their CLE requirement.
There are two categories of courses:
- Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection - Ethics: Focuses on lawyers' ethical obligations and responsibilities regarding electronic data and communication, including protecting confidential information, addressing privacy implications, and supervising employees and vendors.
- Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Data Protection - General: Covers technological aspects of protecting electronic data, assessing vendors' practices, understanding relevant laws, and implementing cybersecurity protocols in law offices.
Lawline offers 60+ courses that satisfy New York’s new cybersecurity requirement. Below are three popular courses:
- Cloud Computing - Client Compliance and Concomitant Considerations reviews the regulations governing cloud computing services, assesses the legal risks and vulnerabilities associated with cloud computing, and delivers best practices for navigating those risks.
- Examining Phishing in Law Firms: Tips for Attorneys to Combat Cybersecurity Attacks (Update) helps attorneys to spot phishing attempts and establish proper safeguards to protect their client and employee information.
- Cyber-Based Legal Malpractice Claims and Ethics Concerns provides attorneys with practical advice for anticipating, mitigating, and surviving cyber crises to avoid ethical breaches and cyber-based malpractice claims.
Lawline helps lawyers understand cybersecurity laws and stay up-to-date on state requirements by offering an extensive collection of courses specifically designed to meet New York cybersecurity requirements. Check out our New York Cybersecurity page and explore the subcategories that make it even easier for you to find what you need.
NY Newly Admitted Attorneys CLE Update
The New York State CLE Board extended the temporary Coronavirus rule regarding the newly admitted skills requirement from 6/30/2023 to 12/31/2023. This means that newly admitted NY attorneys can continue completing their Skills requirement via live webcast, teleconference, and videoconference up until 12/31/2023.
Lawline provides Skills courses for newly admitted attorneys in live webcast format: Lawline NY CLE Skills Courses.
Last updated on August 16, 2023
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