Rethink Continuing Legal Education: Say Hello to the First AI-Powered CLE Tool

In the ever-evolving landscape of legal education, Lawline is at the forefront of change. Today,...
In the ever-evolving landscape of legal education, Lawline is at the forefront of change. Today,...
Keeping your legal team CLE compliant can bring a number of challenges, especially without the...
Staying on top of your continuing legal education (CLE) credits can be difficult. That's why we're...
As lawyers, we never stop learning. The profession requires us to gain insight into emerging areas...
Take a look at the latest CLE requirement change for New York attorneys
So you’ve passed the bar. Congratulations! Now it’s time to get started on your continuing legal...
Experienced California attorneys are required to complete 25 credit hours every three years. Part...
If one state requires 15 credits per year, and another state...
What is the New York CLE requirement? For experienced attorneys, the requirement is 24 credits...
Every two years, New York attorneys need to complete 24 credits of CLE within 30 days after their...
Georgia attorneys are supposed to complete their annual 12-credit CLE requirement, which includes...
February means a number of exciting events - watching football commercials on Super Bowl Sunday,...
By January 31, 2020, California attorneys whose last names start with the letters N through Z must...
What is the Virginia CLE requirement? 12 credits every year. At least 2 of the 12 must be in Ethics...
Meredith Cohen is Lawline’s Director of Customer Experience. She manages relationships with state...