Head Back to School with Lawline this September: Federal Criminal Practice, Business Immigration, the #MeToo Movement, and More

Summer is coming to an end and back-to-school season is in full swing. For those of you back to the grind, Lawline’s September lineup is loaded with programs sure to pique your interest. With a diverse array of topics ranging from federal criminal practice basics, to business immigration in the Trump Era and state responses in the wake of the #MeToo Movement, there’s something for everyone.
Check out these highlights for the month. Can’t make a webcast date? All our courses go on demand within 48 hours (where you can check them out with our free trial).
- Federal Criminal Practice 101. Handling a federal criminal trial is almost as high stakes as it can get. The outcome can lead to severe penalties or incarceration for your client. For the new attorney, conducting a trial can be especially daunting. Learn the various stages of a federal criminal trial and discover the best strategies for jury selection, witness examination, and more. Airing September 13 at 10:00 a.m. (EST)
- 3D Printing and the Fashion Industry: Will Things Ever Be the Same? 3D technology has had profound effects on the fashion industry, impacting vendor agreements, consumer interaction, and more. Now, it has the potential to change the way goods are mass-produced. Before you advise your client on that next deal, watch this fascinating program and explore how ever-evolving 3D technology is impacting fashion today. Airing September 20 at 1:00 p.m. (EST)
- Navigating Business Immigration in the Trump Era. Any change in immigration policy has the potential to impact businesses near and far. Learn how to navigate business immigration questions in the wake of the Trump Administration’s recent policy changes, and explore the anatomy of an I-9 investigation and audit. Airing September 21 at 10:00 a.m. (EST)
- What States Are Doing to Combat Federal Inaction and the #MeToo Movement. In the wake of the #MeToo movement, many states have enacted new legislation aimed at preventing harassment in the workplace. These laws have also made other significant changes to employment-related policies such as sick leave, pay, and arbitration of disputes. Check out this overview of the new state laws and learn what employers must do to comply with the new wave of legislation. Airing September 28 at 10:00 a.m. (EST)
- Mental Health Conditions in the Workplace: A Primer for Employers. What happens when an employee’s disability is invisible? How can the employer accommodate their disability? And what should an employer do if their employee’s psychological disability affects their job performance? Tune in to this informative program for answers to all these important questions and more. Airing September 28 at 11:30 a.m. (EST)