New Year, New You? Attorneys Weigh in with Their New Year’s Resolutions

New Year’s resolutions are a fun way for people to challenge themselves in the new year. Whether losing weight, gaining insight, or broadening horizons, the new year can certainly = a new you!
We thought everyone might enjoy the resolutions of fellow attorneys, along with recommendations for ways to implement them in their own lives.
Lawline faculty weighed in with a few of their own exciting resolutions and we weigh in with some great ways to realize these goals:
- Be Better “My resolution is the same every year: be better,” says Rania Sedhom. “The better I become, the happier I will be and the happier those around me will be.”
We say: Self-improvement FTW. Try the book, podcast, and app for The Happiness Project. Read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, check out apps like and Unstuck, or spend your commute with podcasts like the 10 Minute Law Firm Podcast and Listen Money Matters.
- Get into Winter Sports “One of my New Year’s resolutions is to ski more,” says Evan Schwartz. “You’ve got to hit the slopes while still young enough and physically able to perform!”
We say: Take some skiing lessons - you’ll french fry and pizza in no time. Not a fan of the slopes? Ice-skate instead (maybe as a VIP at Rockefeller Center, maybe at your local rink) for an indoor cold rush. Or just kick back and watch the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympics.
- Listen “My New Year’s resolution is to listen. And I am talking about really listening,” says Justin Blitz. “I believe by listening and exposing my true feelings and reactions, I will be a better person, father, husband, and lawyer.”
We say: Active listening is hard - and a noble goal. Try active listening exercises like the ones offered by the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley.
- Play More “My New Year’s resolution is to ‘play’ more,” says Amie Gartenberg. “It’s we adults who truly need to unwind and play - yet I have not been doing enough of it!”
We say: Play some sports, whether you’re good or not! From New York’s NYC Social to D.C.’s CapBocce to Portland’s Underdog Sports Leagues, there’s something for everyone.
- Get Out of Your Reading Comfort Zone “One resolution I’m happy to share is to work harder to get out of my comfort zone.” says Claire Thomas. To do this, I will read more fiction. Specially, more fiction written by women.”
We say: Push your reading limits! Are you a non-fiction fan like Claire? Try something creepy (The Woman in Cabin 10) or uber-popular (Big Little Lies). Or check out a bit of ever-relevant feminist poetry (The Portable Dorothy Parker) or literally anything written by Neil Gaiman (American Gods, The Ocean at the End of the Lane). Do you love fiction? Love Wins: The Lovers and Lawyers Who Fought the Landmark Case for Marriage Equality is a beautifully woven non-fiction work that reads like a novel.
- Look on the Bright Side “Contrary to my legal training, I’d like to look at situations and think about what may go right,” says Steven Rubin, “instead of how things can go wrong.”
We say: We look forward to the brighter side here in 2018! Train your brain to actually be more optimistic, meditate, do some yoga, or go for a run (check out Under Armour’s MapMyRun app) to reduce stress and help you look at life through rose-tinted glasses. You can also volunteer for Lawyers for Good Government and put that law degree to some good(will) use or donate to the Animal Legal Defense Fund to help make the world a better place.
Check out the full article here!