The Top CLE Courses For Your Zodiac Sign

Do you check your horoscope every day but have trouble picking which CLE program to watch next? We’ve got you covered. With more than 1600 On-Demand programs available on Lawline, we know it can be a struggle to narrow down your options, so we curated a list of CLE perfectly suited to every zodiac sign’s strengths and weaknesses. Check out the list below, and let us know in the comments if we read you right!
Aries: Aries may have a reputation for being aggressive and a little stubborn, but they also have a deep-seated sense of fairness and the courage to right society’s wrongs. Aries attorneys should harness that assertive energy in the courtroom and pursue social justice for those who have been injured by an unfair system. Check out Law Enforcement Liability Under Section 1983: Critical Steps For the Trial Lawyer.
Taurus: Reliable, patient Taurus is just the right sign to wade through thousands of pages of updated SEC regulations in order to advise their clients on compliance with the arcane rules for securities broker-dealers. We could have suggested just one of the programs in our Broker-Dealer Bootcamp, but we know that the uncompromising Taurus won’t rest until you watch the whole four-part series.
Gemini: Some may call this sign two-faced, but we know that Gemini attorneys are nimble and able to adapt to a variety of situations, which is a boon for your clients. This is the perfect skill to help shepherd your client’s mergers and acquisitions through the maze of regulatory agencies. Check out Navigating Your Transaction Through the US Antitrust Agencies.
Cancer: Tenacious, loyal Cancer makes a zealous advocate for the criminal client, and your natural tendency towards suspicion will serve you well when cross-examining your adversary. Check out Winning a Federal Criminal Trial to help you hone your persuasion skills in the courtroom.
Leo: Charming, likeable Leo is the perfect attorney to find harmony in a business transaction that might otherwise become fraught. Check out Personal Goodwill in Business Transactions and Mergers and Acquisitions to help you harness that Leo energy in your practice.
Virgo: Hardworking, analytical Virgo is a great asset to any legal team, but a tendency towards shyness means you might be more comfortable in the boardroom than the courtroom. Instead, wow your clients by becoming a whiz with the books with Analysis of the Legalities and Importance of a Company’s Balance Sheet.
Libra: Libra is fair-minded and even-handed, more interested in finding an equitable resolution than winning a battle. You are perfectly suited for alternative methods of adjudication, so learn practical tips from experienced ADR practitioners with Alternative Dispute Resolution: A Comprehensive And Practical Review Part 1 and Part 2.
Scorpio: Scorpio’s passion and (slightly) cutthroat nature makes you a natural for the political world, and your resourcefulness will be a boon for clients who are interested in entering the fray. Keep those clients compliant with Corporate Political Activity and Compliance: Developing an Effective Compliance Plan.
Sagittarius: Idealistic Sagittarius will defend their clients aggressively when their rights have been violated. Check out Free Speech 101: Student and Faculty First Amendment Rights on Today's Campus to learn about this hot Con Law topic.
Capricorn: Capricorn is hard-working and disciplined, perfectly suited to managing complex transactions within a heavily regulated framework like finance. Check out An Introduction to the Complex U.S. Bank Regulatory Framework. Your tendency to expect the worst may be an asset in this sector, allowing you to plan ahead for the eventual downturns.
Aquarius: Aquarius has an artistic side and an independent streak, which can make them the perfect attorneys for musicians and other creative types. Check out Advising Clients on Creating and Operating Independent Music Labels and really connect with the subject matter.
Pisces: Compassionate Pisces can have a hard time in a tough legal industry, but taking care of the most vulnerable clients is right in their wheelhouse. Check out Best Practices for Interviewing Traumatized Clients to learn how to skillfully handle clients who have suffered trauma - just remember not to let seeing the worst in the world harden you.
*This article was prepared with assistance from Tamanna Saidi, a pre-law sophomore at Baruch College in New York City.