Did you know that Lawline offers more than 1,500 on-demand courses available for you to watch anytime and anywhere, day or night? With such a large selection available at your fingertips, choosing where to begin might be difficult. So why not turn to your peers for help? We’ve compiled a list of the top five programs that attorneys are watching right now. These programs are timely, relevant, and best of all, sure to help you in your everyday practice whether that involves foot soldiering on the streets or burning the midnight oil closing your latest deal. So, without further ado, here they are!
- Not-for-Profit Corporations: A Focus on Formation and Governance. The non-profit sector is growing dramatically. So it’s wise to learn some of the basics when it comes to formation and governance of charitable organizations. For example - what are the federal and state regulations governing non-profits? How do you maintain federal tax exempt status? What are the key governance issues to be mindful of? Get answers to all these critical questions and more in this valuable and informative program.
- Protest Lawyering: From the Street to the Courtroom. In recent years, protest activity has risen markedly, at a level unseen in decades. It goes without saying that regardless of what cause protestors are advocating, they need to be fully informed of their rights. For this reason, protest lawyers are more in demand than ever before. Protestors and organizers need answers to key questions - do we need a permit? Can we march in the streets? What happens if someone gets arrested? Are we protected by the First Amendment? As with most legal questions...the answer depends on the particular circumstances. Check out this one-of-a-kind program for a practical primer on protest lawyering.
- 20 Practice Tips to Wow Your SmallBiz Clients. Did you know that small businesses comprise 99% of the American workforce? With these numbers, it might be prudent to learn about the myriad of
complex legal challenges facing small business owners. Questions concerning entity selection, operational structure, and accounting systems only scratch the surface. This can’t-miss program will provide helpful tips and strategies for any attorney counseling a small business client. Plus, you’ll learn to develop a useful framework for your small business practice moving forward by identifying what your niche is and what works for you. Trust me - you’ll be glad you watched this one.
- #WorkplaceHarassment – What @Employers Need to Know in the Age of Social Media. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter...the list goes on. With a seemingly endless list of social media channels available at our fingertips at all times, employers are constantly challenged with the difficult issue of navigating social media use in the workplace. Social media use can become particularly complicated when it becomes intertwined with issues of workplace harassment. This program will untangle some of the most common questions that arise when it comes to workplace harassment in the age of social media. Get up-to-date on the latest laws and regulations governing workplace harassment and gain key insights for use when advising your clients on critical employment policies.
- Ethical Challenges Facing Attorneys Today. As technology advances, so too does the legal practice. Changes in the way attorneys practice law means keeping up-to-date with how the various ethical rules apply in today’s evolving world. For example - what does keeping a client reasonably informed mean when text and email is readily available at our fingertips at all times? And social media is another conundrum - where do we draw the line when it comes to ethical use of social media? Plus, there are always other challenges that remain constant - like how to withdraw from a case if you have a “problem client.” There’s never an easy solution, but this program aims to explore the most complex ethical quandaries attorneys are most likely to face in today’s practice, and provides practical guidance for how to navigate those challenges.
P.S. - Did you know that free trial access will grant you access to all of these programs and over 1,500 other cutting edge on-demand CLE courses?