Why They Teach: Lawline Faculty Share Their Insights

It’s Teacher Appreciation Week! In lieu of sending hundreds of apples to the wonderful lawyers who teach with Lawline, we’re posting our gratitude here.
We know what our customers get from the programs our faculty produce. But one great thing about working with the hundreds of faculty who come through our studio every year to produce creative and original content is hearing what they gain from teaching. In their own words:
Nili Yolin, who recently co-produced a fascinating course on Managing Disruptive Issues in the #MeToo Era, says “I teach CLE because, as the saying goes, the teacher always learns more than the student. By incorporating actual elements of my practice into the learning environment I create opportunities for understanding what others are experiencing, how and where they’ve succeeded (or failed), and utilize that feedback to improve upon how I counsel my clients.”
Max Elliott, a Lawline veteran, adds “I enjoy teaching because doing so helps ensure that lawyers, new or seasoned, have the most recent information available in a practice area and the preparation helps me master the subject-matter. So I’m simultaneously servicing the profession and am working on being the best attorney I can be for my clients.” Her next program provides attorneys with 20 Practice Tips to Wow SmallBiz Clients.
Barry Werbin, IP attorney, says “I find it very rewarding to teach and share my own knowledge with others in a way that’s both informative and engaging, while meeting CLE requirements and providing new insights into the subject matter.” His recent program gave a dense but digestible overview of Copyright Issues Impacting the Art World.
Cannabis attorney Jerry Goldman weighed in: “I teach because I believe that both the profession and society are better off with more knowledgeable lawyers; I teach because I believe preparing for a class makes me a better lawyer.”
Defense attorney and media personality Joey Jackson explained that "I love teaching, not only to provide knowledge to other attorneys, but also to showcase how I can assist potential clients with their real life problems. The recent launch of my Lawline Profile on their platform has also resulted in a steady flow of legal inquiries to my firm, and been a great referral source.”
Loretta Gastwirth, ADR Superstar recently co-taught a fabulous series on important skills in arbitration and mediation. Afterwards, she shared that “I most appreciate CLEs that provide specific substantive content and practitioners’ practical advice. I take that same approach in preparing and providing CLEs. As a seasoned practitioner with lots of ‘war stories’, I enjoy providing information to and sharing my experiences with other lawyers. When we learn from one another, it is rewarding to pay it forward by imparting that knowledge to others.”
We couldn’t agree more with that sentiment. In the comments, show your appreciation by sharing your favorite Lawline faculty or course!