Lawline Offers CLE Courses Approved for Guardian Ad Litem for Children Credit in Virginia

Virginia attorneys - did you know that Lawline, the nation’s leading online Continuing Legal Education (CLE) provider, offers programs approved for those serving as Guardians Ad Litem (GAL) for Children?
Virginia’s rules require that all attorneys who wish to maintain their GAL qualification status complete six hours of approved continuing education every two years on topics relating to the representation of children. Highlights from the approved courses include:
1. Introduction to Contested Guardianships in Virginia
3. An Attorney's Guide to IEP and 504 Plans: Which is Best for Your Client?
All approved courses for GAL can be found here, and attorneys can even try out the entire catalog via Lawline’s free trial. Lawline also offers a unique, easy to use interactive platform and cutting-edge technology, and a comprehensive course catalog that is accredited nationwide.
Related Content:
1. The Hassle-Free Guide to Virginia CLE
2. Lawline Honors Its Top Virginia Faculty
This article was originally published on October 25, 2019