ICE Raids, Ageism in the Law, Cannabis and More: Find Time for Lawline’s October CLE

Whether you’re taking a break from finding that perfect Halloween costume or looking to fulfill...
Whether you’re taking a break from finding that perfect Halloween costume or looking to fulfill...
What is the Virginia CLE requirement? 12 credits every year. At least 2 of the 12 must be in Ethics...
Lawline Profiles were designed to help attorneys establish a stronger online presence, build their...
Do you want financial stability and flexible hours as an attorney? Do you hate the idea of big firm...
Did you know that Lawline offers more than 1,500 on-demand courses available for you to watch...
The #MeToo movement has brought greater attention to victims of sexual abuse. As media outlets...
Meredith Cohen is Lawline’s Director of Customer Experience. She manages relationships with state...
We’ve recently explored why online profiles are so important to your career as an attorney,...
The July bar exam is over! We’re giving the latest law school grads a minute to breathe. You just...
In recent years, technology companies, developers, investors, and others have turned their...
The U.S. homeless population has increased in recent years - and the numbers are staggering....
Do you check your horoscope every day but have trouble picking which CLE program to watch next?...
Immigration - and especially asylum - is a pressing issue in America today. Not only is there a...
As the summer continues to heat up, so does Lawline’s studio. This August we’re bringing you...
Summer vacation season is here! Here at Lawline, we took the time to ask our fabulous faculty the...